Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 Kidney transplant is the best treatment option after kidney failure. But due to various reasons, the transplant is not possible in time. Dialysis is a treatment option while waiting for a transplant.

 There are 2 types of dialysis 

1) Hemodialysis (done by machine in hospital) 

2) Peritoneal Dialysis (dialysis method that can be done by the patient himself).

There is a misconception that there is a high risk of infection during dialysis. There is a risk of infection, but there are many ways to prevent infection, and the infected area can be easily treated. Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD/APD) is the best option after transplant if you are thinking about quality of life after kidney failure. Peritoneal dialysis gives you freedom in your daily life.

ब्रान्डेड जेनेरिक औषधि र अनब्रान्डेड जेनेरिकमा के फरक?

  ब्रान्डेड जेनेरिक औषधिहरू साँच्चै अनब्रान्डेड जेनेरिकहरूको तुलनामा महँगो हुन सक्छ, अतिरिक्त लागतले सक्रिय औषधि सामग्री (एपीआई) र क्लिनिकल ...